Curious about health coaching for you or your business?

How can wellbeing coaching help you or your employees? If working with a well-being coach is something that you’ve been considering, you may have a few questions about how the process works and what exactly is involved. If you’ve never worked with a coach before, it...

Burnout – what it is and how to avoid it!

Burnout is a common phrase in the corporate world, its something we hear a lot of, but do you know what it actually is, and how to avoid succumbing to it? Burnout can be something that many of us think won’t happen to us, “I’ll take a break / holiday soon”, “I’ll do...

Why can’t I make my healthy eating habits stick?

Do you have any common downfalls with food? Do you try and keep on a ‘healthy path’ but always fall back into bad habits? It’s pretty common to struggle to maintain new habits around eating – food is everywhere and many of the habits we want to get rid of have been...

Give yourself a ‘treat’ rather than a ‘resolution’

As we head into Christmas and the New Year, the inevitable question of ‘New Years Resolutions’ pops up!  These are ever more prevalent if Christmas has been a particularly indulgent one.  But, do you see NY resolutions as a treat for yourself or a chore...

How ‘WELL’ are your Teams?

‘Team-well’ Here’s your team – it’s delivered a great project, on time and on budget – sure there were a few bumps in the road – the client was challenging, there were some extra hours and few weekends and late nights – but they got there. Great, right? Of...