5 ways to nourish yourself inside….

Joanna here to share some out-of-the-box ways to think about nourishing your body, mind and spirit…

But wait, why am I even using the word “nourishment” if I’m not talking about food?

That’s a great question!

The reason I am using the word nourishment outside of its regular foodie context is because we often find ourselves so over-focused on food that we forget about all the other simple and wonderful ways to nourish ourselves.

What does it mean to nourish myself without food?

We forget that taking pleasure in simple things can actually be just as satisfying and comforting as many of us get from food.

We actually “eat” all day with our senses… we “consume” our environment through touch, feel, taste, sound and sight.

Here are 5 ways to nourish your senses, starting today…

● Relationships: Seek out and nurture relationships with people that make you feel good about yourself and say goodbye to the ones that drain your energy.

● Environment: Remember that your environment affects your mood and energy. So if you are stuck in an office all day staring at a wall, it’s time to take a walk so you can feel the sunshine on your back and breeze on your skin.

● Connections: We spend so much of our time alone at our computers or behind high walls and yet it’s so important for our spirits to make connections with others. So join a club or an online Meetup and make new connections!

● Sleep: There is no way around it—there is just nothing quite like sleep to rejuvenate your body and restore your entire system to better functioning.

● Movement: Movement sparks your endorphins, which make you feel energised and excited and keeps the oxygen circulating through your system so you can feel refreshed and alive.

What do I do now?

In my health coaching practice, I help my clients realise that there is more to life than food! I call the most important parts of our lives “THE BIG 5”—these need as much love and attention as eating!

If you are tired of feeling like your life is lacking excitement and meaning and you want to find a way to feel nourished in all areas of your life, then get in touch now to schedule a time to talk with me today so I can help you feel more energised and alive than ever before!